BeeGees Bee Gees合唱团在乐坛纵横近五个十年,中外歌手早已将其视为高不可攀的经典乐团,U2乐团主唱波诺就用“嫉妒”来形容Bee Gees的才华;天后席琳迪翁和唐妮布蕾丝顿也表示她们是Bee Gees的头号大乐迷。洛史都华、约翰屈伏塔、芭芭拉史翠珊,以及访华闹出机场事件的艾尔顿强都对Bee Gees推崇备至。Bee Gees受乐坛众巨星赞誉,年轻一辈的歌手超级男孩、天命真女合唱团、罗南、绿洲合唱团、七小龙等都视Bee Gees为“偶像”,席琳翁狄、罗比也都翻唱过Bee Gees的经典歌。经过统计Bee Gees被翻唱的歌曲已达五百多次。谈到众多艺人翻唱,Bee Gees最喜欢歌手Al Green翻唱的“How Do You Mend A Broken Heart”,甚至觉得有超越原唱的感觉;但是罗比威廉斯曾翻唱的“I Started A Joke”则让他们完全受不了,听起来像是“一个拉肚子的老人”,完全毁了这首歌。 在国内歌坛,歌神张学友是Bee Gees乐团的忠实乐迷;而创作艺人蔡健雅盛赞Bee Gees的假音运用是乐坛的创举;许志安则认为Bee Gees是真正的乐坛传奇;S.H.E以女生三人合音,在上一张专辑中翻唱Bee Gees的I.O.I.O.受欢迎,也让年轻的台湾歌迷对Bee Gees多了一点认识。Bee Gees可以说是从65岁到18岁乐迷大小通吃,可见他们魅力有多大。Bee Gees全球专辑累积销售量已突破1亿5千万张大关,不仅是唯一在60到90年代都能夺得排行榜冠军的歌手,更是史上最成功的三重唱。在美国和澳洲同时入选“摇滚名人殿堂”、“创作名人殿堂”;全英音乐奖的“杰出贡献奖”;并获颁世界音乐奖以及葛莱美奖的“终生成就奖”、全美音乐奖的“国际成就奖”。 Too Much Heaven
--歌词-- Nobody gets too much heaven no more It's much harder to come by I'm waiting in line Nobody gets too much love anymore It's as high as a mountain And harder to climb Oh you and me girl Got a lot of love in store And it flows through you And it flows through me And I love you so much more Then my life..I can see beyond forever Ev'rything we are will never die Loving's such a beautiful thing Oh you make my world.. a summer day Are you just a dream to fade away You and me girl got a highway to the sky We can turn away from the night and day And the tears we had to pay(u hade to cry) You're my life.. I can see a new tomorrow Ev'rything we are will never die Loving's such a beautiful thing When you are to me, the light above Made for all to see our precious love Love is such a beautiful thing You make my world a summer day Are you just a dream to fade away Emotion
It's over and done But the heartache lives on inside And who's the one you're clinging to Instead of me tonight And where are you now Now that I need you Tears on my pillow Wherever you go I'll cry me a river That leads to your ocean You never see me fall apart In the words of a broken heart It's just emotion that's taken me over Tied up in sorrow, lost in my soul But if you don't come back Come home to me, darling You know that There'll be nobody left in this world to hold me tight Nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight Goodnight, goodnight I'm there at your side I'm part of all the things you are But you've got a part of someone else You go to find your shining star And where are you now Now that I need you Tears on my pillow Wherever you go I'll cry me a river That leads to your ocean You never see me fall apart In the words of a broken heart It's just emotion that's taken me over Tied up in sorrow, lost in my soul But if you don't come back Come home to me, darling You kno 下载:http://mis.sju.edu.tw/%7Egod/music/Too%20Much%20Heaven.mp3 http://www.gokuai.com/w/73s1I6c6B375CHS3/Emotion.mp3
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