1973年3月,《The Dark Side of The Moon》(中文译作《月影》或者《月之暗面》)面世了。这张专辑的推出是乐队声乐事业发展的顶峰,它以其对现实生活地不安、疯乱、恐惧描述和无尽的幻想空间构成了一个恢宏而极富内涵的音乐画面。创造出前所未有的视听享受,将乐队钻研数年的迷幻摇滚带到了极致。这张专辑在美国排行榜上难以置信地共停留14年,741周,这一记录,至今没有人能够打破。《The Dark Side of the Moon》
《High Hpoes》歌词: Beyond the horizon of the place we lived when we were young 延伸过地平线,年轻时我们生活的地方 In a world of magnets and miracles 在充满磁性与奇迹的世界 Our thoughts stayed constantly and without boundary 我们坚贞地守护梦想,恣意开阔 The ringing of the division bell had begun 但,离别之钟已然敲响 Along the long road and on down to the causeway Do they sill meet there by the Cut There was a ragged band that followed in our footsteps 一个被嘲笑的乐队追随我们的行踪 Running before time took our dreams away 我们不停奔跑,愿时光带走梦想之前, Leaving the myriad small creatures trying to tie us to the ground 留下无数渺小的生灵,将我们束缚于土地之上 To a life consumed by slow decay 献给在渐渐糜腐中虚度的生命 The grass was greener 更绿的草 The light was brighter 更明亮的光 With friends surrounding 朋友围绕 The nights of wonder 奇迹降临的夜晚 Looking beyond the embers of the bridges glowing behind us 远望身后大桥(大桥???很奇怪的感觉。。。)余烬辉耀 To a glimpse at our great lose of the other side 只为瞥见对岸我们遗失无数 Steps taken forward but sleepwalking back again 脚步踏寻前方,梦中我们依旧故地重游 Dragged by force of some inner tide 被潮汐本能的力量召唤 But the highest altitude with a flag unfurled 尚未企及的遥远境地 We reached the dizzy heights of that dreamed of world 我们到达梦中晕眩的高度 Encumbered forever by desire and ambition 永恒被意欲雄心占据 There is hunger still unsatisfied 无法满足的饥渴 Our weary eys still stray to the horizen 困酣双眼,我们探寻地平线的边界 Though down this road we have been so many times 在熟悉的路上。。。。。。 Dark mist growing 阴暗浓雾弥散 The water flowing 溪流奔腾远方 The endless river 永不平息的河流 Forver and ever 直到永远的永远。。。。。。