Frederick Fennel指揮Dallas Wind Symphony; Paul Riedo, Organ
Reference Recordings RR-58CD
Frederick Fennel可以說是目前世上指揮管樂合奏的第一高手,無論是以前在Mercury、Telarc所錄、或是現在在RR所錄,可說幾乎都是張張精彩。這張CD則比以前所錄更精彩,因為除了管樂與大鼓的優秀表現之外,還加入了震懾人心的管風琴。當然,管風琴並不是經常震懾人心,它也表現出很多的柔情。當管樂單獨出現時,請仔細欣賞它們的質感與音色,最後,它寬廣的動態範圍也是罕有的。
01.Praise the Lord with Drums and Cymbals (Sigfried Karg-Elert)
02.Allelujah! Laudamus Te (Alfred Reed)
03.Grand Chorus in Dialogue (Eugene Gigout)
04.The Vikings (Arthur Wills)
05.The Power of Rome and the Christian Heart (Percy Grainger)
06.Herioc Poem (Marcel Dupré)
07.Pebble Beach Sojourn (Ron Nelson)
08.Lord, Save Thy People (Charles Widor)
09.Polka and Fugue from "Schwanda the Bagpiper" (Jaromir Weinberger)